Unraveling the Secrets of MSG Native (.nat) Files: A Step-by-Step Guide to Reading with Satpy
Image by Aloysius - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Secrets of MSG Native (.nat) Files: A Step-by-Step Guide to Reading with Satpy

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Are you tired of struggling to access and manipulate MSG Native (.nat) files? Do you want to unlock the power of satellite data for your research or projects? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you on a journey to read MSG Native (.nat) files using the popular Python library, Satpy. Buckle up, and let’s dive into the world of satellite data analysis!

What are MSG Native (.nat) Files?

MSG Native (.nat) files are a type of binary file format used to store data from the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) satellites. These satellites, operated by the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), provide high-resolution imagery and data for weather forecasting, climate monitoring, and research. The .nat file format is specific to MSG satellites and contains a wealth of information, including imagery, metadata, and ancillary data.

Why Use Satpy?

Satpy is an open-source Python library specifically designed for working with satellite data. It provides a simple and efficient way to read, manipulate, and visualize data from various satellite instruments, including MSG. Satpy’s flexibility and customization capabilities make it an ideal choice for researchers, scientists, and developers working with MSG data.


Before we begin, make sure you have the following installed on your system:

  • Python 3.7 or later
  • Satpy library (install using `pip install satpy`)
  • A sample MSG Native (.nat) file (you can obtain these from the EUMETSAT website or other data providers)

Step 1: Importing Required Libraries and Loading the .nat File

import satpy
from satpy.scene import Scene

In this step, we’ll import the necessary Satpy libraries and load our sample .nat file. Replace ‘path/to/your/file.nat’ with the actual file path and name:

scene = Scene(filenames=['path/to/your/file.nat'], reader='msg_native')

Understanding the Scene Object

The `Scene` object is the core of Satpy’s data structure. It represents a collection of datasets from a single satellite instrument. In our case, the `Scene` object will contain the data from the MSG Native (.nat) file. The `filenames` parameter specifies the file path, and the `reader` parameter tells Satpy to use the `msg_native` reader to parse the file.

Step 2: Inspecting the Scene Object

Let’s take a look at the contents of our `Scene` object:


This will output a list of available datasets, including their names, shapes, and data types. You can use this information to identify the datasets you’re interested in working with.

Dataset Attributes

Each dataset in the `Scene` object has several attributes that provide valuable information:

Attribute Description
name The name of the dataset (e.g., ‘IR_108’)
shape The shape of the dataset (e.g., (1024, 1024))
dtype The data type of the dataset (e.g., uint16)
units The units of the dataset (e.g., Kelvin)

Step 3: Loading a Specific Dataset

Now that we’ve inspected the `Scene` object, let’s load a specific dataset:

dataset = scene.load(['IR_108'])

In this example, we’re loading the ‘IR_108’ dataset, which corresponds to the infrared channel at 10.8 μm. You can replace ‘IR_108’ with any other dataset name from the list.

Working with the Loaded Dataset

With the dataset loaded, you can perform various operations, such as:

  • Data visualization using Satpy’s built-in visualization tools or external libraries like Matplotlib or Plotly
  • Data manipulation, such as resampling, cropping, or masking
  • Data analysis, including calculations, filtering, or feature extraction

Additional Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips to help you get the most out of Satpy and MSG Native (.nat) files:

  • Use Satpy’s built-in tools for data quality control, such as checking for missing values or data validity
  • Take advantage of Satpy’s support for various data formats, including NetCDF, HDF5, and GeoTIFF
  • Explore Satpy’s extensive documentation and community resources for advanced topics, such as data fusion or advanced visualization


With Satpy, reading MSG Native (.nat) files is a breeze! By following this step-by-step guide, you’ve unlocked the power of satellite data analysis and manipulation. Remember to explore Satpy’s extensive features and capabilities to take your research or projects to the next level. Happy coding!

Keywords: MSG Native (.nat) files, Satpy, Python, satellite data analysis, data manipulation, visualization, EUMETSAT

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your burning questions about reading MSG Native (.nat) files with satpy!

Q1: What is MSG Native (.nat) file format, and why do I need satpy to read it?

MSG Native (.nat) file format is a proprietary file format used by EUMETSAT to store Meteosat satellite data. It’s a bit tricky to read without the right tools, and that’s where satpy comes in! Satpy is a Python library that allows you to easily read and manipulate MSG Native files, making it a breeze to work with Meteosat data.

Q2: Do I need to install any additional libraries to read MSG Native files with satpy?

Yes, you’ll need to install the pyeccodes library, which is a dependency of satpy. Pyeccodes is a Python interface to the ECCODES API, which is used to decode MSG Native files. Don’t worry, it’s an easy install with pip!

Q3: How do I read a MSG Native file using satpy?

Easy peasy! You can read a MSG Native file using satpy by importing the satpy.Scene class and loading the file with the `Scene(reader=”nat”, filenames=[filename])` method. Replace `filename` with the path to your MSG Native file.

Q4: Can I customize the way satpy reads MSG Native files?

Absolutely! Satpy allows you to customize the reading process by specifying various options, such as the resolution, sector, and compression level. You can also use the `Scene.load` method to load specific datasets or channels from the MSG Native file.

Q5: Are there any limitations to reading MSG Native files with satpy?

While satpy is an excellent tool for reading MSG Native files, there are some limitations to be aware of. For example, satpy may not support all MSG Native file versions or compression schemes. Additionally, large files may require significant memory and processing power to read and manipulate.

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