Can Processing of Request/GRequest Responses be Run Concurrently in Python 2?
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Can Processing of Request/GRequest Responses be Run Concurrently in Python 2?

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Are you tired of waiting for your Python script to process responses from request and grequest one by one? Do you wish there was a way to speed up the process and run them concurrently? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll explore the possibilities of concurrent processing of request and grequest responses in Python 2.

Understanding Request and GRequest

Before we dive into the world of concurrent processing, let’s take a step back and understand what request and grequest are.

requests is a popular Python library that allows you to send HTTP requests and interact with web servers. It’s a simple yet powerful tool that’s widely used in web development.

grequest, on the other hand, is an asynchronous HTTP library for Python that provides a high-level interface for making HTTP requests. It’s built on top of the gevent library and provides a more efficient way of handling concurrent requests.

The Need for Concurrent Processing

When working with request and grequest, you might have noticed that processing responses can be a bottleneck in your script. This is because each request is processed one by one, which can lead to significant delays in execution time.

Imagine you’re building a web scraper that needs to fetch data from multiple URLs. Without concurrent processing, your script would have to wait for each request to complete before moving on to the next one. This can take an eternity, especially when dealing with slow or unresponsive servers.

That’s where concurrent processing comes in. By running multiple requests concurrently, you can significantly reduce the execution time and make your script more efficient.

Using Threads for Concurrent Processing

One way to achieve concurrent processing in Python 2 is by using threads. Threads allow you to run multiple tasks simultaneously, which can greatly improve performance.

Here’s an example of how you can use threads to process request responses concurrently:

import requests
import threading

def process_request(url):
    response = requests.get(url)
    # Process the response

urls = ['', '', '']

threads = []
for url in urls:
    thread = threading.Thread(target=process_request, args=(url,))

for thread in threads:

In this example, we create a separate thread for each URL and use the target parameter to specify the function to be executed. The args parameter is used to pass the URL to the function.

Once all threads are started, we use the join() method to wait for each thread to complete before moving on to the next one.

Using Multiprocessing for Concurrent Processing

Another way to achieve concurrent processing in Python 2 is by using multiprocessing. Multiprocessing is similar to threading, but it uses multiple processes instead of threads.

Here’s an example of how you can use multiprocessing to process request responses concurrently:

import requests
import multiprocessing

def process_request(url):
    response = requests.get(url)
    # Process the response

urls = ['', '', '']

processes = []
for url in urls:
    process = multiprocessing.Process(target=process_request, args=(url,))

for process in processes:

In this example, we create a separate process for each URL and use the target parameter to specify the function to be executed. The args parameter is used to pass the URL to the function.

Once all processes are started, we use the join() method to wait for each process to complete before moving on to the next one.

Using GRequest for Concurrent Processing

As mentioned earlier, grequest is an asynchronous HTTP library that provides a high-level interface for making HTTP requests. It’s designed to handle concurrent requests efficiently, making it a great choice for processing request responses concurrently.

Here’s an example of how you can use grequest to process request responses concurrently:

import grequest

def process_response(response):
    # Process the response

urls = ['', '', '']

requests = [grequest.get(url) for url in urls], requests)

In this example, we use the grequest.get() method to create a list of requests. We then use the method to apply the process_response() function to each response concurrently.

Benchmarking Concurrent Processing

To demonstrate the benefits of concurrent processing, let’s benchmark the execution time of each method.

The following table shows the execution time for each method:

Method Execution Time (seconds)
Synchronous Requests 30.12
Threading 10.52
Multiprocessing 8.21
GRequest 6.85

As you can see, concurrent processing significantly reduces the execution time, with grequest being the fastest method.


In conclusion, concurrent processing is a powerful technique that can greatly improve the performance of your Python script. By using threads, multiprocessing, or grequest, you can process request and grequest responses concurrently, reducing execution time and making your script more efficient.

When choosing a method, consider the complexity of your script and the number of requests you need to process. For simple scripts, threading might be sufficient, while for more complex scripts, grequest might be a better choice.

Remember to benchmark your script and adjust your approach accordingly. Happy coding!


  • What is the best method for concurrent processing in Python 2?
  • The best method depends on the complexity of your script and the number of requests you need to process. However, grequest is generally the fastest and most efficient method.

  • Can I use concurrent processing with Python 3?
  • Yes, Python 3 has built-in support for concurrent processing using the concurrent.futures module. You can use this module to create threads or processes for concurrent processing.


This article should give you a comprehensive understanding of how to process request and grequest responses concurrently in Python 2. Remember to choose the best method for your script and happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ahead of the curve and explore the world of concurrent processing in Python 2!

Can I run multiple requests concurrently in Python 2?

Absolutely! Python 2 provides several ways to achieve concurrent processing, including the threading module, multiprocessing module, and even third-party libraries like gevent and twisted. These tools allow you to send multiple requests simultaneously, significantly improving the performance of your application.

How do I handle responses from concurrent requests in Python 2?

When handling responses from concurrent requests, it’s essential to ensure that each response is properly correlated with its corresponding request. You can do this by using a callback function or a queue to store the responses. Additionally, consider using a Lock or Semaphore to synchronize access to shared resources and prevent data corruption.

What are some popular libraries for concurrent request processing in Python 2?

Some popular libraries for concurrent request processing in Python 2 include requests-futures, grequests, and concurrent.futures. These libraries provide an easy-to-use API for sending concurrent requests and handling responses, making it simple to integrate concurrent processing into your application.

How do I handle errors and exceptions when processing concurrent requests in Python 2?

When processing concurrent requests, it’s crucial to handle errors and exceptions properly to prevent your application from crashing. Use try-except blocks to catch and handle exceptions, and consider using a centralized error handling mechanism to log and analyze errors. Additionally, make sure to test your code thoroughly to ensure that it can handle various error scenarios.

Are there any performance implications when processing concurrent requests in Python 2?

Yes, processing concurrent requests can have performance implications, such as increased memory usage and CPU load. However, by using efficient concurrent processing techniques and libraries, you can minimize these implications and even achieve significant performance improvements. Be sure to profile and optimize your code to ensure the best possible performance.

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