Kafka JS: Assigning Batch Numbers to Consumers – A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Aloysius - hkhazo.biz.id

Kafka JS: Assigning Batch Numbers to Consumers – A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with the complexity of Kafka consumer groups and batch processing? Do you wish there was a way to explicitly assign a batch number to each consumer in a group? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of Kafka JS and explore the ways to achieve this feat. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll be a master of batch number assignment and ready to take your Kafka skills to the next level.

Understanding Kafka Consumer Groups and Batch Processing

Before we dive into the solution, let’s quickly review the basics of Kafka consumer groups and batch processing. In Kafka, a consumer group is a set of consumers that jointly subscribe to one or more topics and collectively consume the messages from these topics. Each consumer in the group is assigned a unique identifier, which is used to identify the consumer and its role in the group.

In batch processing, a consumer group consumes messages from a topic in batches, rather than individually. This approach is useful when dealing with large volumes of data or when performing complex processing tasks. However, it can become challenging to manage and track individual batches, especially when dealing with multiple consumers in a group.

The Problem: Assigning Batch Numbers to Consumers

The default behavior of Kafka consumer groups is to assign offset numbers to each consumer, rather than batch numbers. This can make it difficult to track and manage batches across multiple consumers. So, how can we explicitly assign a batch number to each consumer in a group?

The answer lies in using a combination of Kafka’s built-in features and some creative coding. Specifically, we’ll use the kafka-js library to interact with Kafka, and leverage the assign() method to manually assign partitions and batch numbers to each consumer.

Step 1: Creating a Kafka Consumer Group

Before we can assign batch numbers to consumers, we need to create a Kafka consumer group. We’ll use the kafka-js library to create a new consumer group and subscribe to a topic.

const { Kafka } = require('kafka-js');

const kafka = new Kafka({
  clientId: 'my-client',
  brokers: ['localhost:9092'],

const consumer = kafka.consumer({ groupId: 'my-group' });
consumer.subscribe({ topic: 'my-topic', fromBeginning: true });

Step 2: Retrieving Partition Information

Next, we need to retrieve information about the partitions in our topic. We’ll use the consumer.partitionsForTopic() method to get a list of partitions and their corresponding leaders.

const partitions = await consumer.partitionsForTopic('my-topic');

The output will look something like this:

  "partition": 0,
  "leader": 0,
  "replicas": [0, 1],
  "ISR": [0, 1]
  "partition": 1,
  "leader": 1,
  "replicas": [1, 2],
  "ISR": [1, 2]
  "partition": 2,
  "leader": 2,
  "replicas": [2, 0],
  "ISR": [2, 0]

Step 3: Assigning Partitions and Batch Numbers to Consumers

Now it’s time to assign partitions and batch numbers to each consumer in the group. We’ll use the assign() method to manually assign partitions to each consumer, and simultaneously assign a batch number to each partition.

const consumers = [...]; // array of consumer instances

const assignment = {
  'consumer-1': [
    { partition: 0, batchNumber: 1 },
    { partition: 2, batchNumber: 3 }
  'consumer-2': [
    { partition: 1, batchNumber: 2 }

consumers.forEach((consumer, index) => {
  const assignments = assignment[`consumer-${index + 1}`];

In this example, we’ve assigned two partitions to consumer-1 with batch numbers 1 and 3, respectively, and one partition to consumer-2 with batch number 2.

Step 4: Committing Batch Numbers to Kafka

Finally, we need to commit the batch numbers to Kafka using the commit() method.

consumers.forEach((consumer) => {

And that’s it! We’ve successfully assigned batch numbers to each consumer in the group using Kafka JS.


In this article, we’ve demonstrated how to explicitly assign a batch number to each consumer in a Kafka consumer group using Kafka JS. By leveraging the assign() method and some creative coding, we’ve overcome the limitations of Kafka’s default offset numbering system. With this technique, you can now efficiently manage and track batches across multiple consumers in a group, taking your Kafka skills to the next level.


Q: What is the difference between offset numbers and batch numbers?

A: Offset numbers are automatically assigned by Kafka to track the position of a consumer in a topic. Batch numbers, on the other hand, are manually assigned by the developer to track batches of messages across multiple consumers.

Q: Can I use this technique with other Kafka clients?

A: While this technique is specific to Kafka JS, similar approaches can be applied using other Kafka clients, such as Java or Python. Consult the relevant documentation for implementation details.

Q: How do I handle batch number conflicts between consumers?

A: To avoid batch number conflicts, ensure that each consumer is assigned a unique batch number. If conflicts arise, consider implementing a conflict resolution strategy, such as reassigning batch numbers or using a distributed lock mechanism.

Method Description
kafka.consumer() Creates a new Kafka consumer instance.
consumer.subscribe() Subscribes the consumer to a topic.
consumer.partitionsForTopic() Rertieves information about the partitions in a topic.
consumer.assign() Manually assigns partitions and batch numbers to a consumer.
consumer.commit() Commits the batch numbers to Kafka.

By following these steps and using the provided code examples, you’ll be well on your way to assigning batch numbers to consumers in a Kafka consumer group using Kafka JS. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of Kafka JS and learn how a group of consumers can explicitly assign a batch number to each consumer!

Can I assign a batch number to each consumer in Kafka JS?

Yes, you can! In Kafka JS, you can use the `assign` method to manually assign partitions to consumers and specify a batch number for each consumer. This allows for fine-grained control over how consumers process messages.

How do I implement manual partition assignment in Kafka JS?

To implement manual partition assignment, you need to create a `KafkaConsumer` instance and call the `assign` method, passing an array of `TopicPartition` objects that specify the partition and batch number for each consumer.

What is the difference between `assign` and `subscribe` in Kafka JS?

The `assign` method allows you to manually specify the partitions and batch numbers for each consumer, whereas the `subscribe` method allows consumers to dynamically subscribe to topics and partitions. `assign` gives you more control, while `subscribe` provides more flexibility.

Can I use both `assign` and `subscribe` in the same Kafka consumer group?

No, you cannot use both `assign` and `subscribe` in the same consumer group. `assign` and `subscribe` are mutually exclusive, and once you call one method, you cannot call the other.

What happens if a consumer fails or is restarted while using manual partition assignment?

If a consumer fails or is restarted while using manual partition assignment, the consumer will automatically recover and resume consuming from the last committed offset. However, you will need to re-call the `assign` method to re-assign the partitions and batch numbers.