The Mysterious Case of UniqueKey: Cracking the Code on IOS
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The Mysterious Case of UniqueKey: Cracking the Code on IOS

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Are you tired of dealing with the frustrating issue of uniqueKey.toString() generating “Instance of ‘UniqueKey'” instead of a unique key on IOS? You’re not alone! Many developers have stumbled upon this enigmatic problem, but fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to unravel the mystery and provide you with a comprehensive guide to resolving this issue once and for all.

Understanding the UniqueKey Class

In Flutter, the UniqueKey class is used to generate a unique key for widgets. It’s essential for maintaining the state of widgets across rebuilds and ensuring that the correct widget is rebuilt when the app’s state changes. However, on IOS, things can get a bit tricky.

The Problem: UniqueKey.toString() Returns “Instance of ‘UniqueKey'”

When you call uniqueKey.toString() on IOS, instead of generating a unique key, it returns the string “Instance of ‘UniqueKey'”. This can be frustrating, especially when you need a unique identifier for your widgets.

So, why does this happen? The reason lies in how Flutter handles object serialization on IOS. When you call toString() on a UniqueKey object, Flutter tries to serialize the object into a string. However, the UniqueKey class is not serializable, and therefore, Flutter returns the default string “Instance of ‘UniqueKey'”.

Solutions to the Enigma

Fear not, dear reader, for we have not one, not two, but three solutions to this problem! Choose the one that suits your needs the most:

Solution 1: Use the ValueKey Class

One simple solution is to use the ValueKey class instead of UniqueKey. ValueKey takes a value as an argument, which can be any object, and generates a unique key based on that value.

ValueKey<String> uniqueKey = ValueKey('my_unique_key');

By using ValueKey, you can ensure that you get a unique key for your widget, and toString() will return the actual key value instead of “Instance of ‘UniqueKey'”.

Solution 2: Override the toString() Method

Another solution is to create a custom UniqueKey class that overrides the toString() method. This way, you can return a custom string representation of the UniqueKey object.

class CustomUniqueKey extends UniqueKey {
  String toString() {
    return 'my_custom_unique_key_${hashCode}';

In this example, we override the toString() method to return a custom string that includes the hash code of the object. This ensures that each instance of CustomUniqueKey has a unique string representation.

Solution 3: Use a UUID Package

If you need a more robust and unique identifier, consider using a UUID package like uuid. This package generates a universally unique identifier (UUID) that you can use as a key for your widgets.

import 'package:uuid/uuid.dart';

String uniqueKey = Uuid().v4();

By using a UUID package, you can generate a unique key that is guaranteed to be unique across platforms and devices.

Best Practices for Using UniqueKey

To avoid issues with UniqueKey, follow these best practices:

  • Use ValueKey instead of UniqueKey whenever possible.

  • Override the toString() method if you need a custom string representation of the UniqueKey object.

  • Use a UUID package for generating unique identifiers.

  • Avoid using UniqueKey for serialization or storage, as it may not be serializable across platforms.


In conclusion, the mysterious case of UniqueKey.toString() generating “Instance of ‘UniqueKey'” on IOS is not a mystery anymore! By understanding the UniqueKey class and its limitations, and by using the solutions and best practices outlined above, you can ensure that your Flutter app generates unique keys for your widgets without a hitch.

Solution Description
ValueKey Use ValueKey instead of UniqueKey for generating unique keys.
Custom UniqueKey Override the toString() method to return a custom string representation of the UniqueKey object.
UUID Package Use a UUID package like uuid to generate a universally unique identifier (UUID) for your widgets.

With these solutions and best practices, you can overcome the UniqueKey conundrum and create robust, unique identifiers for your Flutter app on IOS. Happy coding!

Here is the FAQ section about “uniqueKey.toString() generating "Instance of 'UniqueKey'" instead of a unique key on IOS”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to the most common questions about why uniqueKey.toString() is not working as expected on iOS devices.

Why is uniqueKey.toString() generating “Instance of ‘UniqueKey'” instead of a unique key on iOS?

The reason behind this is that the UniqueKey class in Flutter does not override the toString() method. As a result, when you call uniqueKey.toString(), it falls back to the default implementation of toString() in the Object class, which returns “Instance of ‘UniqueKey'”.

How can I get the actual unique key value on iOS?

To get the actual unique key value, you need to access the value property of the UniqueKey object. For example, uniqueKey.value.toString() will give you the actual unique key value as a string.

Is this a Flutter bug or an iOS-specific issue?

This is not a Flutter bug, but rather a default behavior of the UniqueKey class. The UniqueKey class is designed to provide a unique identifier for widgets, and it’s up to the developer to access the actual key value using the value property.

Will this issue affect the performance of my Flutter app?

No, this issue does not affect the performance of your Flutter app. It’s simply a matter of accessing the correct property of the UniqueKey object to get the actual unique key value.

Are there any alternative approaches to generate unique keys in Flutter?

Yes, you can use the uuid package to generate unique keys in Flutter. The uuid package provides a simple way to generate unique identifiers, and it’s compatible with both iOS and Android platforms.